Thursday, January 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Nolan!

We're planning a family celebration on Saturday. The kids are going to make a special friend for him at Build-A-Bear and help us get Nolan's things together for our trip. Not sure if we can get them to eat Chinese food or not, maybe a fortune cookie! Look for pictures of Nolan's birthday party soon.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Letter of Approval Day!

1-25-2--8 LOA!!! It may not mean much to those of you not familiar with the Chinese adoption process. But to us it is a day of celebration, a blessed day on which we received China's Official approval to adopt Nolan. It has been a LONG wait, about 2.5 months longer than we had anticipated; we were beginning to think it would never come.

I think the most enjoyment we got was being able to share the excitement with Landon, Summerlyn & Lorelei. It was neat to hear the bedtime prayers thanking God for our LOA and praying for quick Travel Approval. They are very familiar with the process by this point.

The scramble to get everything ready for our trip has begun. It's quite comical actually- a role reversal happens and Milton is on a mission, while I am more relaxed feeling sure it will all come together. Plus, I am busy trying to find the perfect jeans for the trip! Ha!