Thursday, February 28, 2008

Breathing A Sigh of Relief!

It is funny how God does things. Last night, while we were sleeping and not able to worry about our trip, He pulled it all together. We woke up to a detailed itinerary waiting in our inbox, How's that for a delivery! Our trip is planned, complete with a visit to Nolan's orphanage!

Thanks for praying. Please continue to do so throughout our trip.

We hope you will follow our blog, and that God will use it in some way to give you a new glimpse of something He may have planned for your life, or a new faith to take a leap into something you have feared.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Remembering How We Got Here...

Things are not going as we'd hoped. Our travel plans are the cause of MUCH anxiety today which made me think back to how we got here in the first place.

Back in May of last year this was part of the announcement sent to our friends and family.

We have all heard the expression "a step of faith." Sometimes, when God calls us into something, He wants us to step into the unknown. He sets a goal that is beyond our knowledge, experience or control. That is why we call it "a step of faith," if it were something we could know or control, it wouldn't require faith.

Abraham answered the call to step out on faith. He acted on God's command to leave the country, pack up his family and belongings, and leave the fertile land he had called "home" his entire life. (Genesis 12) Abraham didn't know the destination, but he was convinced that God had a better plan for his life.

In the past weeks Milton and I have come to understand that if we don't take that first step of faith that God is calling us to, we will miss out on the entire journey; the amazing plan He has for our family!

Have we built up enough suspense yet?

We have been praying & talking for quite some time now about the prospect of enlarging our family AND as of this week have started the paper-chase for our second adoption! Surprise! We're having a boy!

We don't have many specific details yet, but we know that just as He did with Lorelei, God will bring our child to us.

As I read this today, I realized that God is still the author of our story and has written every line. I hope and pray that as the story unfolds we are able to trust Him to see us through instead of fretting over all the mishaps and letting the joy of this time be stolen out from under us.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Travel Update

We did receive a Consulate Appointment on March the 10th, giving us the green light to travel on Saturday, March 1st. It is so surreal right now and has definately not hit me that this time next week we will have Nolan!

I think I have experienced every emotion from being thrilled to finally go, sad to leave the kids behind, guilty for leaving them, anxiety over travel time & logistics, concern over Nolan's grieving and bonding process. You name it, and it's probably crossed my mind. In fact, going to the hospital to have a baby sounds like a much easier option right now.

We are humbled and grateful for a God who is bigger than all the details that concern us. This is just another step in the journey God has put us on. He has brought us this far and will carry us through the rest of the trip. I'm not sure how people without faith handle all of life's overwhelming situations. We'd be a mess right now if we didn't have confidence in God's ability to make all of this happen.

We cannot wait to see the life God has planned for Nolan.

We are happy to be able to share our trip through this blog. Be sure to check back often over the next month to see how our little guy is doing.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Our TA arrived this morning! Yea! We are relieved and so thankful, knowing we can start the final countdown to Nolan!

More details to come- gotta go call the Travel Agent!

Yahoo! Our boy is coming home!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

V-Day TA!

My prayer this morning went something like this: "Okay God, it's Valentines Day. Show me the love & bring our TA (Travel Approval)!" I've been chanting, "V-day TA V-day TA!" Needless to say Milton looked at me like I was insane. I think my prayer actually should've said," I'm losing my mind God! For everyone's sake who must put up with me, PLEASE bring our TA today!"

So, no TA yet! This is day 20 of our wait. I may have to be commited tomorrow if it still isn't here. Milton is already bracing himself for what might happen if it doesn't come this week. God Bless Milton. He is a saint to love me! I guess that in itself is God's Valentine to me. ButI'm still asking for our TA!

Hugs! & Happy V-day TA Day!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Update on Weather Conditions in Eastern China

We are so thankful that Nolan's area has not been affected by the recent snow storms and frigid temps. I did post earlier on Lorelei's orphanage which was one of the worst hit. I especially wanted to post again to help paint a clear picture of institution life for so many little ones in China. You will see that the Chenzhou Social Welfare Institute has 150 infants. I hope that makes each get out of your comfy chair and do something to make a difference in the life of an orphaned child somewhere... anywhere!

Here is another update from Jenny Bowen, Director of Half the Sky:

In Chenzhou, Hunan, the subject of many> recent news stories, the institution has been without power or running> water for two weeks. In fact, a giant power grid was destroyed by heavy snows and the whole city has been dark for days. Yesterday in Chenzhou, 11 workers died in an attempt to restore power.

We were worried about the children at the Chenzhou SWI - over 150 infants,> some of whom were falling ill. Food supplies were running out and coal for heat was becoming prohibitively expensive. The SWI director was borrowing funds from caregivers to buy supplies at inflated prices. Even candles tripled in price. To complicate matters, because of the power failure, all banks were closed and the roads were closed. We were feeling> pretty helpless.

I'm happy to tell you that an intrepid little group, led by my husband, Richard, is now heading home from having successfully stabilized the situation at the Chenzhou SWI. There is now at least a week's worth of food, 2 weeks worth of coal, blankets, diapers (another group managed to> drop off diapers and clothes as well and today a local farmer came by with a cart of cabbage) and plenty of money to buy what they need if they run out. Richard tells me that all they lack are 60 infant snowsuits and, as soon as the stores re-open after the holiday, the director knows where to> get them. Although it's expected to take 3-6 months for Chenzhou to fully return to normal, we're so relieved that the children are safe and warm, at least for now, out of danger.

I hope to be able to tell you more of the story soon. Meanwhile, we will continue to monitor the situation in Chenzhou daily. We will not stop reaching out to all potentially affected institutions, especially smaller ones, that we haven't heard from yet. We've made a commitment to the hugely over-burdened Civil Affairs offices, that we, as a community, are going to take care of the children through these critical days, with everything we've got to give.
Please check our website for the latest update littlemouse. php

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Celebrating Nolan's Birthday

We had a great time celebrating Nolan's Birthday on Saturday. The kids decided to build a puppy for Nolan complete with an Orlando Magic uniform. They each got to put in a heart, excited to be sending "Stuff" to China with us. Now they are each taking turns sleeping with "Stuff" to make sure he is charged up with love for Nolan.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Socks Please!

When in China we will be visiting Nolan's Orphanage. This isn't always possible so we are excited to be able to experience firsthand the place he has spent the first 2 years of his life!

We are planning to take a suitcase full of socks to donate and would appreciate your help with this. New socks from infant to preteen sizes would be best.

Thanks for your help with this! The piggies of many precious children thank you too!

Extreme Winter Weather in China

Thankfully we just recieved word that Nolan's orphanage has power and water, and is in good shape despite the extremely cold weather.

Lorelei's orphanage however is another story. Here is the report we got from Half the Sky, (an organization that supports many Social Welfare Institutes). This area in south central China is simply not equipped to handle this type of weather as it is not common in this part of the country.

Hunan Province –Chenzhou has had no electricity or water for six days. They are relying on coal for heat and cooking. The supermarkets and banks are closed. Staff is using personal money for baby food, diapers, coal and water. Costs are rising due to shortages. They have a natural well which,thankfully, is not frozen. Even the older children are helping to fetchwater. They have perhaps six days of food remaining. The local government is overwhelmed by the disaster and is unable to help much.

IF you feel compelled to help in some way you may visit for more information.
And of coarse, please pray for the situation to improve quickly.