Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Finding Time to Post..... Finally

Landon mows for the 1st time! He was so excited to be able to do this. Hopefully his enthusiasm won't be too short lived, he's got many years of mowing ahead!

Summerlyn gets bangs! It's a style we both agreed on that is fringed around the face with a FEW bangs. (Definitely NOT the bowl cut bangs that Mama dislikes.) It's very cute and she is thrilled to have a new style.

Call the fire department! Landon 's cooking! He decided he wanted to cook Ramen noodles for snack today.... And wow! Just like burned popcorn, our house is going to smell for days! Lorelei says, "Can I have some rotten noodles Mommy please?"

Nolan's first 4th of July as a US Citizen! Eating corn on the cob.

Yea for Watermelon!

Summerlyn's Summer tip #2 How to keep from getting watermelon on your shirt.

Keep watermelon off my shirt? That's no fun!

We are having a great summer. Nolan continues to adjust and settle in. This week is VBS at our church so I have left him while I am working. As soon as we arrive at the church he says, "no thank you." Which means he does not want to be left in the nursery. But he only cries for a very brief time and them he gets busy playing.

Over all he is doing remarkably well. We just passed the 4 month mark! So hard to believe it's only been 4 months. Nolan's language skills are impressive -he is speaking in sentences, and is trying his best to sing too. Emotionally he seems to be doing well also, much of the grieving seems to have passed now and he's moved on to being an all-American 2 year old! We are loving our newest addition, he's such blessing.


Teresa =) said...

What great pics of summertime fun!! And tell Summerlyn her new 'do is awesome...she looks so much older with those fringed bangs!!

Think I'll be eating my watermelon like Summerlyn and NOT like Landon...

Teresa =)

Redmom2005 said...

OH MY GAAAAAAAAAA...that snake was by your door?!!! Did you call 911?!! LOL!! I love Summerlyn's new hair style!! Very cute!! And hey...can you send your son to mow our lawn?!! Ha.......I can't wait until our two boys are old enough!! That's a chore I'm sure dad will gladly pass down to them!! Great pictures!!

Redmom2005 said...

Hello!! Something fun to do....I've "tagged" you!! Please see the July 15th entry on my blog to see what it's all about!!


Sharon said...

Such a great post! I love SUmmerlys bangs, She looks like her name!

I'm so gladNolans doing well. Jealous that he can talk! haha

What snake??!!? I didn't see it!

Redmom2005 said...

Hello!! Just taking a few minutes to check some of my favorite blogs! Hope you're all doing well!