Friday, August 1, 2008

Tough Day for Nolan

Nolan has been doing so well that today caught me a bit by suprise. The best I can figure is that all the packing I was doing (for vaca tomorrow)made him feel very insecure. He was so frantic all day and could not be left alone by me or any of the kids either. He would fall apart if we left him behind in a different room. So hard to know exactly what he understands but I tried to reassure him.

I just have to remember that it has only been 4.5 months, still a long way to go.


Teresa =) said...

When we went on vacation in July for 10 days and stayed in two hotels and a condo during that time, Carson kept asking if we were going back to China. He really struggled...and was an absolute wild man when we got back home. I think it really freaked him out. Luckily, it passed quickly.

Have a great vacation!!

Teresa =)

Doreen said...

it's always hard when there's change. He'll do'll comfort him...

Doreen in Montreal
Happy vacation

jimandjenn said...

Awe - I'm so glad that he has all of you to love on him and help him through his insecurities! Hope you have a fabulous vacation!

Sharon said...

That si true, I notice things like that too with Bailey!! There is a long time to go still but look how amazing they are already! He is thriving under your love and care!!!
Thank goodness he has a mom who notices these things!! I will keep you all in my prayers and God bless all you are doing!! I am just so glad he has you!
Have a great time!!!