Monday, April 28, 2008

Nolan's Cardiologist Appt

Today was Nolan's appt to find out about his heart murmur. He had an EKG and a an echo done. The murmur was confirmed and is something he will always have, however, it is not anything to be concerned about and no further follow up is needed. God is so good!

When the nurse was leaving the room, Nolan said, "bye bye, love you." He thinks that, "love you" always comes after "bye bye" copying what he hears at home. So cute! (It's a good thing we don't swear!)

All of Nolan's appt are done with the exception of the immunizations he will have done spread out over the next 6 months. It is such a relief to have this all behind us now.


Anna said...

Great news! Glad you all are doing well!

Redmom2005 said...

What a relief that no follow-up is needed for his heart murmur! And, what "welcomed" news this must have been for you!!

He sure is a handsome little guy! I'm sure he brings much joy to your family!

Erin DeNicolo

Teresa =) said...

I personally think China allowed ME to adopt the cutest little boy they've ever seen, but I have to say Nolan is a close second...or maybe even a tie for first!! What a cutie pie!!

So glad to hear he got an "all clear" at the cardiologist! What a tremendous relief!! Now all you'll need to worry about is a future of broken arms, skinned knees, runny noses, cuts and bruises...

Teresa =)
CCAI WCP, Mom to Meggie and Carson