Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Remembering How We Got Here...

Things are not going as we'd hoped. Our travel plans are the cause of MUCH anxiety today which made me think back to how we got here in the first place.

Back in May of last year this was part of the announcement sent to our friends and family.

We have all heard the expression "a step of faith." Sometimes, when God calls us into something, He wants us to step into the unknown. He sets a goal that is beyond our knowledge, experience or control. That is why we call it "a step of faith," if it were something we could know or control, it wouldn't require faith.

Abraham answered the call to step out on faith. He acted on God's command to leave the country, pack up his family and belongings, and leave the fertile land he had called "home" his entire life. (Genesis 12) Abraham didn't know the destination, but he was convinced that God had a better plan for his life.

In the past weeks Milton and I have come to understand that if we don't take that first step of faith that God is calling us to, we will miss out on the entire journey; the amazing plan He has for our family!

Have we built up enough suspense yet?

We have been praying & talking for quite some time now about the prospect of enlarging our family AND as of this week have started the paper-chase for our second adoption! Surprise! We're having a boy!

We don't have many specific details yet, but we know that just as He did with Lorelei, God will bring our child to us.

As I read this today, I realized that God is still the author of our story and has written every line. I hope and pray that as the story unfolds we are able to trust Him to see us through instead of fretting over all the mishaps and letting the joy of this time be stolen out from under us.

1 comment:

Redmom2005 said...

I'm praying for you too! This is supposed to be such a joyous time for you! If there is anything I can do (besides pray) please let me know! I'll be happy to help in any way that I can!
