Thursday, February 14, 2008

V-Day TA!

My prayer this morning went something like this: "Okay God, it's Valentines Day. Show me the love & bring our TA (Travel Approval)!" I've been chanting, "V-day TA V-day TA!" Needless to say Milton looked at me like I was insane. I think my prayer actually should've said," I'm losing my mind God! For everyone's sake who must put up with me, PLEASE bring our TA today!"

So, no TA yet! This is day 20 of our wait. I may have to be commited tomorrow if it still isn't here. Milton is already bracing himself for what might happen if it doesn't come this week. God Bless Milton. He is a saint to love me! I guess that in itself is God's Valentine to me. ButI'm still asking for our TA!

Hugs! & Happy V-day TA Day!

1 comment:

Redmom2005 said...

Hi, Janis! I'm sorry you didn't get the TA. You sound as "crazed" to get this as I am to get our documents back from the Chinese Consulate in Chicago! Almost a MONTH now! Here's a prayer that we BOTH get through this with a little of our sanity still intact!

Erin DeNicolo