Monday, March 3, 2008

2:30 in the Morning & WIDE Awake...

We both woke up at 2:30 am, there at home it is 1:30 in the afternoon. So I suppose eating Bugles and drinking hot chocolate may not be that unusual.... if it wasn't the middle of the night.

Bugles were the one of the few thinks we recognized in the market nearby. Although they look familiar they are not the same as the ones at home. Much better than freeze-dried shimp for snack!

Before bedtime, we got some big laughs out of Nolan. He is super ticklish and seems to be a clown. We can tell that he knows he's pretty cute and he amuses himself mischievously throwing toys at Mommy. He thought that was very funny.

He is sleeping well tonight and getting him to bed was not difficult at all. We put his crib right next to our bed and he did fuss momentarily but then laid down & went right to sleep.

Better try to get a little more sleep. Tomorrow we finalize our adoption here in Anhui with an interview and meeting with a Notary.


Redmom2005 said...

You've got yourself an angel!! Wow!! Talk about things going so well....could they possibly be any better?!! You must be on cloud nine!! I'm so very happy for you! Hope you're able to get some sleep tonight!!

Erin DeNicolo

Not too shabby said...

Guys, we are living vicariously through you right now. We are trying not to be jealous, because you're in an exotic foreign country together right now, AND you have your precious baby boy with you finally.

Hopefully you are getting some good rest by now, but just in case we will be praying for you all to get rest. Enjoy these moments...freeze dried shrimp and all.
We love you guys,
Carter, Shannon & the kids

wendy said...

Sounds like the best gottcha day you could hope for. I hope he comes out of his shock a little each day and that you will enjoy unwrapping the layers of his personality. How is Hefei? Is it cold?

kcoon said...

Hello Mr. and Mrs. Wells,
This has been my first chance to check on your trip. Wow! What an exciting time this must be. May I say, "A handsome addition to the family"! What a true blessing it is to see the two of you with your son! All is well here, all on time and picked up with smiles and open arms. You have one big amazing family!!!! We are enjoying our time with the Wyler Family and look forward to the days ahead. You are in our thoughts and prayers!

Love, Mrs. Coon

Kimberly said...

He is beautiful - congratulations! Looking forward to following your trip!!