Monday, March 17, 2008

Woo Hoo! No Crying Last Night!

Nolan is doing so well! Sunday was a busy day, really the first day we got out of the house and he did so well. He even made it through lunch out after church, but fell asleep in the car on the way home. He met lots of people and gave lots of high fives.

He has been having some temper tantrums but they have gotten much better and now it seems the only time he throws a fit is when he can't tell us what he wants. But once we figure it out he is happy as can be.

He is pretty much willing to go to anyone so we are trying to limit holding and care giving to Mama & Baba only, which is very difficult especially with the grandparents here. Of coarse everyone is telling us how well adjusted he is but we know that really means he does not feel particularly attached to us yet, and is still working to figure all this out. But he has only been with us 2 weeks today and this bonding process will be a marathon not a sprint. He has been a trooper and what we wouldn't give to know what he is thinking.

He slept through the night last night without crying out 1 time! It seems like getting him on a schedule has helped him sleep better at night because we have definately seen improvements in his sleep.

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