Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Home 2 Weeks Today!

And yet it seems like Nolan has been here forever! I am continually amazed at how God has blessed Nolan, and us, through the bonding process thus far. We have to keep our eye out for certain things he may or may not be doing that would indicate he is not yet forming a bond with us and I honestly cannot check off any of them as a concern. And that can only be because of the many prayers that we have all prayed asking for Nolan to weather this storm as easily as possible.

What I wouldn't give to peek into his little heart and mind! This journey for us, began months ago, but has only begun for Nolan. And it will be a long process of continually communicating to him that he is home and he belongs. And how exactly do you communicate that to a 2 year old? TIME, and the amazing part about that is...
We have a lifetime with him!

We are so grateful to our families and friends who have prayed, listened, encouraged, supported, put up with us (okay- me) during this incredible experience. We have built stronger friendships and even made many new friends in the adoption community, some of whom we have never actually met but whom have blessed us immensely.

But as for Nolan, there are no words, and not enough paper, to describe this amazing child we are so thrilled to have as a part of our family.

1 comment:

Redmom2005 said...

Gosh, it doesn't seem like two weeks already! I guess time does fly! Maybe it will fly by quickly and we'll be able to travel soon to get our little Chinese gem!! Blessings to you and your wonderful family!

Erin DeNicolo