Thursday, May 8, 2008

High Highs and low lows....

Today I have seen Nolan grieve in huge way. He just got up in a very needy place today. It is so hard to watch him cry but it is the only way he can get out all the emotions built up from not understanding what has happened over the past 2 months. At times he just lays limp in my arms crying; talk about heart wrenching! I am learning to differentiate between crying from not getting what he wants to a very specific cry indicating emotional pain.

He has gone from long crying spells all morning to happy, happy times this afternoon.

I've had to concentrate on holding time and time in the Hip Hammock and am trying to integrate more attachment activities into an already busy life. And while this is exhausting for me, it's so worth it when I see glimpses of happiness in his face again.

Bathtime..... more later.


Redmom2005 said...

It makes me sad just to read about this! The poor little guy!! I sure hope things start looking up for you soon! There have to be brighter days ahead!!! Hang in there!


Teresa =) said...

So sorry to hear about Nolan's struggles! It sounds like you're doing what needs to be done to help console him.

Hang in there, Mommy...things will improve!

Teresa =)

Redmom2005 said...

Happy Mother's Day, Janis!!


Andrea said...

Hi! We are looking into toddler adoption. I hope you don't mind if I drop in often.
Your children are beautiful.