Monday, May 19, 2008

It's been a pretty good day for a Monday!

Monday's are always a little bit sad for me. Milton goes back to work and I really miss having him around! After 12 years of marriage I still really like being with him... Yea!

I have really tried to stay around the house as much as possible lately. Keeping Nolan on a tight schedule helps life to be more manageable. Today we played and did some household musts. Nolan has done well and has spent much of the day right next to me or on my lap. He is beginning to come to me when he feels emotional or uneasy which is so good to see.

I am so pleased with the progress he is making that I am hopeful our upcoming vacation will not be as difficult as I am imagining it will be. 10 days, 2 destinations, and lots of extended family to meet! Not exactly the best time to take a huge trip, while he is still settling in, but you can't put life on hold & we will just make the best of it and pack lots of melatonin & Benedryl!

Rocking him is a big part of our holding time and bedtime routine and if Nolan does not go through the entire bedtime routine, he has a VERY hard time settling in for the night. I was fretting over not being able to rock him on the trip and decided to purchase a portable rocking chair to take with us! So thankful we were able to find a camp chair that rocks and fold up to fit in a bag! Now let's just hope it's delivered on time!

Well, it got quiet in the other room which is usually not good! I wonder if they're being expensive again?!?!?

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