Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Today went so good!

Just a quick post about how well Nolan did today. He was able to stop himself from melting down a few times. It was so amazing! And he was pretty happy for most of the day too!

Thank you God for this HUGE blessing! I guess God knew I had enough on my plate for today.

So, while I don't exactly love totting a 25 pound boy around on my hip in these humid, HOT temps here in state of FL, it's well worth it knowing that it makes Nolan feel more secure and peaceful.
Here's a couple a pics from today. They made me think of something I heard in a parenting series recently. "Kids are expensive." Basically we all just have to accept it and expect that they will break things and cost us $$$ in the process. The sooner we do this, the better we'll handle the breakages in their wake! And so here is Nolan pushing out the screens on our back porch! It does help that he's so cute!

1 comment:

Redmom2005 said...

Is that cute, or what?! Well, I can say it's cute because it's not my screen being pushed out!!!!

I'm glad Nolan gave you a break today!! Hopefully there will be much brighter days ahead for you! They have to be, right?!!!

Erin :)